When it comes to "junk foods" given to children this is something that I am very passionate about and find it all extremely unnecessary, there are copious amounts of healthy (yummy) options out there that don't contain the carcinogenic and mind altering additives. I understand that we need to let "kids be kids" and have fun etc however "everything in moderation" is not necessarily great advice especially with how the food industry is these days. Food like chicken nuggets [ http://foodmatters.tv/articles-1/whats-really-in-chicken-mcnuggets-scary ] , fairy bread and most "party" cake generally contain some pretty nasty chemicals, in the forms of artificial colours, flavours, flavour enhancers (including MSG), preservatives and even things like antifoaming agents and artificially synthesized industrial chemicals. I see the mentality of "its ok to eat it every now and then, as long as they are not eating it all the time" all too often and what a lot of parents don't realise is that these chemicals can be extremely damaging to the developing child and some are unable to be processed by such immature digestive systems and end up building up in the body over time. Even the smallest amounts can trigger many short term effects such as behavioural problems, learning difficulties, skin disorders, respiratory problems, the list goes on. Of course different children will display different side effects and some will be worse than others. But I see many children in practice directly effected by this sort of thing and the majority of parents do not immediately link it to the food as its not always an immediate reaction. The long term effects are a bit more tricky but if you haven't already I would suggest you get thee book &/or smart phone app "The Chemical Maze" http://www.chemicalmaze.com. This will help you to understand where these chemicals are derived from (e.g. petroleum) and the damaging effects of they have on specific areas of the body. The other very worrying thing is that a lot of these foods are purposely scientifically designed to be addictive and I mean SERIOUSLY addictive, like a drug. My general rule is if it contains any numbers in the ingredients list then its not food and shouldn't be eaten or put on the skin. I know it is hard at a party as you usually have no idea who made it or where it came from so thats why I make a conscious effort to really educate those around me so that they can try to become aware of what is in our food and what effects it has on the body. So when they are making or buying processed food they can make more educated decisions in what they are going to use. Anyway a little off track there sorry girls but as you can tell Im very passionate about this sort of thing. Of course its the parents decision in the end and I'm not passing judgement on anyone I'm just trying to express the fact that sometimes "a little bit" still isn't ok… and a little bit and a little bit and a little bit more over time ends up being a lot and thats why we currently have such an unhealthy society riddled with cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Additives to Avoid
102, 104, 107, 110, 122, 123, 124, 127, 129, 132, 133, 142, 143, 151, 155, 160b (Annatto), 173, 174, 175
Preservatives and examples of foods they are in.
Cheese and cheese based products, dips, drinks.
200, 201, 202, 203
Benzoates Soft drinks, cordials, medicine
210, 211, 212, 213, 216, 218
Sulphites Dried fruits, cordials, juices and processed meats.
220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227,228
Nitrates Cured & processed meats (ham, bacon, hotdogs). They are prohibited for use in food for infants ( under 12 months). 249, 250, 251, 252
Proprionates Bread and bakery products 280, 281, 282, 283
Artificial Flavours
All – they don’t have numbers
Flavour Enhancers – Flavoured chips, corn chips, pop corn, flavoured savoury biscuits, instant noodle sachets, vegetable spreads,
620-625 Glutames inc MSG
627 Disodium Guanylate
631 Disodium Inosinate
635 Ribonucleotides
Hydrolysed Vegetable Protein (HVP)
Artificial Sweeteners
Aspartame 951
Hydrogenated or Trans Fats
Antioxidants – Often in oils and fats, baked goods, muesli and snack bars, biscuits and peanut butter.
310, 311, 312, 319, 320, 321, 385
407, 466 Vegetable Gums– Cakes, slices, muffins, smoothies
Anti-caking agents/ Emulsifiers
431, 433, 435, 436, 530, 553, 900, 914
943a, 950, 952, 954, 1201, 1520, 1521