While spending several days drinking only pure fresh juices, you will probably be starting to think about what it will be like to break the fast and go back to solid foods, a common realisation can be that it’s actually not so hard NOT eating after the first couple of days, however EATING is what can be really hard for some. Well CONSCIOUS eating that is!
Completing a fast/cleanse is a true achievement, and you should feel proud! After the cleanse you will generally feel very light, and very clear. The last thing anybody wants is to ruin the results by going back to our old habits, or by going from feeling really great, to feeling really sick in minutes simply by consuming foods that are too dense for your new digestive system.
If you are starting from a clean diet of lots of fruits and vegetables, it is relatively easy to come off a fast. However, its not so easy if you are starting from (and planning to return to) more acidic foods like animal flesh or dairy or bread. You will be OK but a good plan will mean the difference between maintaining your clean clear body, or having a BIG tummy ache.
Length of: Juice fast Smoothie diet Fresh fruit
1-3 days 1 day 1 day
4-8 days 2 days 1 days
9-15 days 3 days 2 days
16-24 days 4 days 2 days
25-35 days 5 days 3 days
Over 35 days 6 days 4 days
I recommend after the fruit days that you then start with raw vegetables and fermented foods/drinks (kimchi, saurkreut, kombucha etc) then slowly transition into cooked food like soups etc (if thats what you are planning doing) or stay raw if thats your thing.
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